We detailed his story last week, here and here, but today Huppenthal apologized for something -- we're not sure what -- as calls for his resignation grew louder.
Despite serial anonymous trolling for years, with a long history of making offensive and often racist comments about the poor, Hispanics, Blacks, Planned Parenthood, and others, when finally found out, this clown won't resign from a position he obviously has no business being in, saying he will run again in the fall. Apparently IOKIYR ("It's ok if You are a Republican") to behave so abysmally in a position of public trust.
via KSAZ
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - The man who oversees Arizona schools says he is sorry. John Huppenthal broke down in tears, apologizing for posting anonymous blog comments he says were hurtful.
Those comments were targeted at poor people and minorities. Despite being apologetic, he has no plans of resigning.
In two of the most controversial comments he says, "Obama is rewarding the lazy pigs with food stamps, air conditioning, free health care, and flat screen TV's, typical of "Poor" families," and "We have a lot fewer Caucasians working now that Hispanics have left. But crime is lower, there is no money and no one is stealing it,."
"My blog comments were hurtful, I'm here today because of those hurtful blog comments, I'm here today to repudiate those blog comments, I'm here to renounce those blog comments, they're not what is in my mind; they don't reflect the love that is in my heart," said Huppenthal.
John Huppenthal refuses to resign after he posted controversial comments on a political blog. He says he is sorry but had trouble explaining why he wrote all of those anonymous posts.