Sen. Mike Lee: Birth Control Pills Are For 'Recreational' Use
July 1, 2014

Maybe Mike Lee should just come out and call women sluts for wanting access to contraceptives? Oh wait, I think he just did! The free boner pills are totally fine with this guy, but if you're female, you're a slut.


Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) agreed on Monday that women use birth control to protect themselves from “recreational behavior,” just hours after the Supreme Court ruled that some companies can refuse to provide health insurance coverage that includes contraceptive services.

During an appearance on Sirius XM’s The Wilkow Majority, host Andrew Wilkow argued that the real question in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., was about “whether or not a person who runs a business should be forced to provide something that is largely for recreational behavior, if it goes against their religious beliefs.”

Wimmenz, the Senator totally has your number and he's looking at you over there with the endometriosis and you over on the other side using birth control pills for your acne. Recreation is bad, procreation is good. Learn your lesson, ladies. And for God's sake, respect your employer's religious beliefs because you are OWNED by them.

Lee, responded by saying “Yea, that’s right, that’s right,” before claiming that “this administration is using the often coercive power of the federal government to force people into their way of being and their way of existing, their way of believing and thinking and acting.”

Tyrant, know thyself.

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