Zeppelin opened for Spirit on a 1969 tour, during which Page had multiple opportunities to hear “Taurus.” “Stairway” was released the next year.
Led Zeppelin Sued Over ‘Stairway To Heaven’
May 20, 2014

Via Liberaland:

The ’60′s group Spirit is suing Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin over the opening chord progression in “Stairway To Heaven.”

The estate of late Spirit guitarist Randy California alleges the famous fingerpicked intro is actionably similar to that of Spirit tune “Taurus” — a similarity Spirit fans, however many of them, have noted for decades.

Zeppelin opened for Spirit on a 1969 tour, during which Page had multiple opportunities to hear “Taurus.” “Stairway” was released the next year.

California brought this up in a 1997 interview. “I’d say it was a ripoff,” California said. “And the guys made mi

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