April 15, 2014

Ron Paul, who is no stranger to conspiracy theories and the Alex Jones school of black helicopters joined Fox News' Neil Cavuto, to warn the militia member, Oathers and other far-right extremists that the feds might be back with Waco-like vengeance against the Bundy's. Papa Paul sounds an awful lot like NV Rancher Clive Bundy in this clip.

Cavuto; Ron Paul says that this clash could, could be an early indication of things to come.

Paul: I'm hoping that it's very positive and things to come where the people stand up and object to the federal government intrusion into our lives and everything that we do and when the people do get together and stand up I think governments will be forced to back down. The other thing is governments don't give up their power very easily and they may well come back and with a lot more force like they did at Waco with the Davidians, so I don't know which way it's going, but so far so good.

Ron Paul said he likes the demonstrations, but doesn't want to see violence take place. That's great, but what does he and other right wing rabblerousers expect when they constantly stoke the fears of their most extreme right wing by validating impending doom, gun registries, FEMA concentration camps, weather weapons and a New World Order?

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