April 11, 2014

Oh noes! There's a Tea party revolt underfoot in the House of Representatives and they have Speaker John Boehner's scalp in their sights as being reported by the National Journal:

Several dozen frustrated House conservatives are scheming to infiltrate the GOP leadership next year—possibly by forcing Speaker John Boehner to step aside immediately after November's midterm elections.

The conservatives' exasperation with leadership is well known. And now, in discreet dinners at the Capitol Hill Club and in winding, hypothetical-laced email chains, they're trying to figure out what to do about it. Some say it's enough to coalesce behind—and start whipping votes for—a single conservative leadership candidate. Others want to cut a deal with Majority Leader Eric Cantor: We'll back you for speaker if you promise to bring aboard a conservative lieutenant.

But there's a more audacious option on the table, according to conservatives involved in the deliberations. They say between 40 and 50 members have already committed verbally to electing a new speaker. If those numbers hold, organizers say, they could force Boehner to step aside as speaker in late November, when the incoming GOP conference meets for the first time, by showing him that he won't have the votes to be reelected in January.

The nucleus of the unhappy campers is hidden in plain site within the idiotic Liberty Caucus.

The masterminds of this mutiny are trying to stay in the shadows for as long as possible to avoid putting a target on their backs. But one Republican said the "nucleus"of the rebellion can be found inside the House Liberty Caucus, of which he and his comrades are members. This is not surprising, considering that some of the key players in that group—Justin Amash of Michigan, Raul Labrador of Idaho, and Thomas Massie of Kentucky—were among the 12 Republicans who refused to back Boehner's reelection in January 2013.

It's coming to pass. The wacko-bird nuts are going to run the insane asylum if not in November, then soon enough and God help America when that happens. Shutting down the federal government was noting. As the saying goes, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Digby writes in Salon that plots to usurp GOP leadership is nothing new and reminds her of Lucy and Ethel:

The whole silly pageant showed what Time magazine snarkily described as “all the talent for intrigue of Peter Sellers in his Pink Panther days.” This new crop is more reminiscent of Lucy and Ethel trying to pull one over on Ricky and Fred.

When they worked themselves into a frenzy last year

When they worked themselves into a frenzy last year over Speaker Boehner’s obvious hippie tendencies, they came up against a big roadblock: There is nobody acceptable to replace him. They have a little problem with their bench, you see. Evidently there aren’t a whole lot of House Republicans who are both ideologically correct and popular enough to win a caucus election. You’d think that would make them take a second look at their strategy, but there’s no evidence that’s the case.

The bottom line is that the far right is frustrated. They are radicals who believe that Republican officeholders should hold their breath and turn blue at every opportunity. Then voters will finally be convinced that these are the kind of people who should be running the government. It’s obvious what an excellent plan that is. Why in the world can’t John Boehner and Eric Cantor see that?

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