This reminds me of what my girlfriends and I used to call "frat boy sex" -- namely, that certain kinds of men thought if you didn't please a woman, you just had to do it HARDER! FASTER! the next time. That these right-wing dimwits think the problem with the Republican party is that House Republicans just aren't extreme enough tells you everything you need to know about their intellectual capacity.
For months, several clusters of conservative lawmakers have been secretly huddling inside and outside the Capitol, plotting to oust John Boehner from the Speaker’s office when House Republicans regroup after the November elections.
The strategy — for now — seems disorganized and fluid: Find a way to push the Speaker’s race to a second ballot, create turmoil in the conference, portray Boehner as highly vulnerable and offer up an alternative.
The behind-the-scenes effort is taking place as Team Boehner is projecting confidence he will coast to a third term as Speaker, pointing to his unrivaled fundraising prowess and ability to corral his rowdy caucus, for example, to keep the government open and provide arms to moderate Syrian rebels.
Yet behind all the chest-thumping, the picture is less rosy for the 64-year-old Ohio Republican.
A number of conservative lawmakers, both in interviews on the record and on background, described enormous frustration with Boehner and his top lieutenants for taking too safe a political route ahead of the 2014 elections.
“In tough times, it doesn’t mean you play timid, it means to play bold, and I don’t see that. And you know what? Time’s up,” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), who vowed to vote against Boehner, told The Hill in an interview. “I’m tired of the status quo of what’s going on in Washington, D.C. America’s tired, America’s angry and they’re scared, because they don’t have leaders in Washington, D.C.”
Isn't that kind of interesting? America's tired, angry and scared, so let's vote to repeal their healthcare coverage (54 times), restrict abortions, and cut taxes on the rich.
It's not them. They just need to do it HARDER! FASTER! the next time.