So Paul Ryan justifiably got hit hard for his (coded) remarks about poverty being a cultural problem attributable to inner-city (black) men, and so now he's back-pedaling and saying it wasn't at all about race, which of course it was, he was just being unusually candid, perhaps unintentionally so, about his, and his party's, biases. But even if it wasn't about race, the fact remains that he thinks poverty is best addressed by turning the poor into Metropolis-style slaves to their capitalist overlords, and by making them pray to his "God" for whatever "charitable" scraps he's dishing out.
It is worth mentioning that Paul Ryan remains extremely popular among Republicans, that on this issue, as on economic issues generally, he is very much the GOP's primary policymaker. So, dear voters, is this what you want to vote for in November?
Liberal Values: Republicans, white working-class voters, and race.
All Things Democrat: The craziest things Republicans have said about abortion.
Occasional Planet: Conservative American bishops are undermining Pope Francis.
And over at my place:
It's the same old lesson for Dems in FL-13. (It's the turnout, stupid!)
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings). I'll be here through the weekend.
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