He basically shifted from lukewarm support to lukewarm disapproval of it. However, at least he now recognizes that it's not about trade, but about helping out a few big companies:
Krugman Gets Informed, Changes His Tune On TPP
March 4, 2014

Via Techdirt:

Late last year, we were dismayed by a Paul Krugman opinion piece in the NY Times in which he judged the TPP based on how it might impact free trade, saying he didn't understand why people were so upset about it. After lots of people called him out on that, including other economists who highlighted that the problems of TPP have little to do with "free trade" but with exporting questionable regulations and giving up corporate sovereignty, Krugman admitted to knowing little of the details and promising to spend more time reviewing them.

He's now done so and put forth a revised opinion on the TP...

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