Stephen Colbert had a field day with the right wing and the pundits over at Faux "news" and their freakout over President Obama's appearance on Funny or Die. Colbert did his best to channel his "hero" Papa Bear O'Reilly with his criticism of the president in the beginning of the segment for daring to "have fun" while his finger is "on the button."
COLBERT: Here's the deal and if you've been watching the TV you know it, but here it is. No one has signed up for Obamacare -- give or take 4.2 million people. And our president has gotten so desperate that he appeared on this web site Funny or Die. By the way, Funny or Die is also the ultimatum you get from Obama's death panels.
Now this show he went on, Between Two Ferns was tonight, it went viral, which was all part of Obama's sinister plan, spread a virus and watch everyone scramble for signing up for health care.
Colbert told his audience he wasn't the only one upset by the interview and proceeded to take them through some of the right wing outrage over at Fox, from Fox & Friends in the morning, up to Bill O'Reilly that same night and his remarks about whether President Lincoln would have appeared on Funny or Die.
My favorite part was his take down of The Five's Andrea Tantaros after she said that Zach Galifianakis "won" the interview with President Obama:
COLBERT: No. No. No. She is right. That's what every show is about. Who wins and who loses -- and Tantaros ought to know. She wins The Five everyday. The loser -- information.
Folks, by going on that web show, Barack Obama undermined the authority of the presidency, and that is Fox News' job.
Ain't that the truth?