March 10, 2014

Former President George W. Bush may have decided to lay low for the most part ever since his administration left town after wreaking havoc on our economy and starting a couple of wars that they conveniently left off of the books, but sadly the same cannot be said for his Vice President Dick Cheney.

Cheney ran to the loving arms of Sean Hannity this Monday evening for more of the standard fare we've been hearing from Republicans ever since Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea, which is to use Putin's actions as an excuse to call for military action against Russia, to attack President Obama as being "weak" on foreign policy, and to make sure the price of Dick Cheney's energy stocks stay up by calling for more oil drilling in the United States, and to finish building the Keystone pipeline.

I expect as much out of Faux "news" and Hannity. What was truly disgusting was to watch just how far down the path of turning themselves into Fox-lite CBS has decided to become. As we already discussed here, Cheney was treated as someone who is supposedly credible on foreign policy on Face the Nation this Sunday, with Charlie Rose sitting there like a potted plant as chickenhawk Cheney continued beating the war drums with Russia.

I thought this was as good a time as any after seeing Cheney on the air two days in a row to share Charlie Pierce's take on his appearance on Face the Nation this Sunday:

Bear in mind that this is the architect of the most catastrophic American war of aggression in recent memory, the one that demolished American credibility abroad -- You may recall that Great Britain bailed on the Syria adventure quite visibly -- and is almost wholly responsible for the entirely justifiable war-weariness here at home. That Dick Cheney blames the president for staying out of what 56 percent of the American people said they wanted no part of is no surprise because Dick Cheney is essentially a toddler playing Army Men with other people's children. But, of course, the truly remarkable thing is that Charlie Rose sat there like a dog waiting for a treat -- Roll over, Charlie. Good boy. -- and did not do so much as comment on the pure bloodstained irony of Dick Fking Cheney talking tough about how countries shouldn't invade other countries, and the danger to American credibility if we are insufficiently bellicose in response.

Our corporate media did their best to enable the Bush administration and their wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. There's no doubt they'll do it to us again at the first opportunity and sadly continue to demonstrate just that day in and day out.

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