Conservatives are melting down over Vlad "The Impaler" Putin's aggression against the Ukraine and in Crimea. They just love him to death. Read Roger Simon's funny piece about the right's reaction to Putin: Mess with bull, get horns, to really get a taste of their insanity.
To them it's the beginning of the End Times. I'm sure Tim Lehaye is working on a new Left Behind book as we speak. Wow, how time flies and things change. It seems like just the other day Vlad was a nobody with no real power except for the kind that he sells, but now, he's the Big Dog.
Bill O'Reilly has been chomping at the bit since this happened and now he's concocted a global conspiracy that begins and ends with Putin because,,,well, just because.
O'REILLY: It's clear Putin is going to do exactly what he wants to do and that includes taking over weak countries. He well understands the Western democracies are weak themselves, debt-ridden and selfish. Therefore, we can expect the following unintended consequences.
A, North Korea, most likely get more aggressive towards South Korea -- last weekend they fired missiles in a provocative way. B, the Syrian butcher Assad will most likely regain control of that country and another blood bath will ensue. C, China will most likely seize a small island chain currently governed by Japan. And worst of all, Iran will most likely ramp up its nuclear weapons activity, knowing that Putin will no longer embrace sanctions once the West starts to sanction him.
The truth is that President Obama tried soft power policy and it has failed dismally. We are living in a very dangerous world where killers rule, intimidate and inflict massive damage on innocent people. The North Koreans, Chinese, Iranians and Syrians will kill anybody without remorse.
So while many Americans are obsessed with a missing jet liner in South Asia they are totally missing the danger that confronts this country. Back in 1979, Iranians took 52 American hostages and held them for about a year and a half. That destroyed President Carter's credibility. It ruined him.
Wait, Bill forgot about the Mexicans. I'm hearing La Reconquista is already underway and they are coming over the border to take back Texas any day now.
All credible foreign policy wonks have stated that President Obama could have done nothing to stop Putin going into Crimea and that Crimea holds no value to the U.S. anyway. But in BIllO's world, since Putin is the kind of leader he likes, he's pieced together his own personal doomsday scenario that will justify all his fears. See, the world is watching so North Korea will f*&k with South Korea. China will f*&k with Japan. Syria will butcher more people and Iran will build nukes faster and better. And that's only the beginning. I'm surprised he didn't throw in AL-Qaeda somewhere. maybe in Africa.
What was funny is that after his Talking Points memo, Charles Krauthammer joined him and didn't buy into his fantasy one bit.
O'Reilly: So where am I going wrong here, Charles?
Krauthammer: Well, not really wrong too badly, but I think you're giving too much credit to the Russians supposed help to us in the negotiations with Syria and Iran up until now pre-Crimea. The Russians were never on our side. Today Ukraine, tomorrow Eastern Europe and that's where the nervousness is beginning..
O'Reilly: I'm advancing the story beyond that...China, blah, blah, blah. North Korea, blah, blah, blah. Iran, blah, blah, blah. Israel will bomb Iran right away. Putin starts to say sanctions, forget it. Israel's going to move, they move. There's war. THAT is what could happen off this Crimea thing
Krauthammer: I don't think it comes off this Crimea thing and that's why I disagree...
O'Reilly: Once this so-called temporary or whatever you want to call it goes down, Israel is going to move. And once Israel moves then you're going to have all hell break loose in that region.
And everybody is going to be fighting everybody. I'm saying it's off Crimea because Crimea gives Putin an excuse to move, alright? You punish Putin, he's not gonna sit there and take that punishment, he's going to cause trouble and the place he's going to cause trouble is in Iran. That's what he's gonna do. And he sees weakness across the western...