January 26, 2014

The prevailing narrative by the bobbleheads this weekend, in anticipation of President Obama's State of the Union speech scheduled for this Tuesday is that Obama is hobbled by poor polling numbers and a decided lack of the leadership that more or less dooms not only his speech but the agenda he will lay forth.

Well then. Nice to see the Beltway elites are coming to this with an open mind.

I seriously hate being placed in the position of defending the Obama presidency, but I simply cannot let this piece of bovine excrement go unchallenged:

VAN SUSTEREN: President Obama sometimes acts like he's the only one who had political opposition. That's sort of part of the game. I mean every politician has opposition on the other side. Look at how much President Clinton got done and he was -- he had been impeached and was -- and was on trial to get thrown out and he got things done. You can't keep blaming everybody...


ROBERTS: -- saying now, that this is not the most partisan time in our history. He has now been going back and reading his history and understanding that that's the case. And so that he has to learn to deal with it.

Oh sweet Jebus on a popsicle stick. This is why we can't have nice things, people: the sheer amount of non-factual assertions that gets spewed not by politicians but by ostensible journalists.

Do they really want to pooh-pooh the obstruction that Obama has had to deal with as no big deal and not as bad as others? Because let me put it in picture form for these peddlers of lies:

Credit: Mother Jones

See that long blue bar under Obama's name? That's the number of times cloture has been sought from a filibuster. The last five presidents put together had to do it 393 times. With three years still left in his second term, Obama's agenda has already dealt with it 307 times. If the Republicans continue apace, that number will be in the 490s by the end of his term, significantly more than the last five presidents together.

That isn't something that President Obama just has to "deal with". That's not even a lack of leadership on his part, you miserable compromised hacks. That is reflexive, insane, country-hurting obstructionism just in the name of partisanship. It doesn't matter if the people are suffering; it doesn't matter if the solution proposed came from the GOP. Hell, "Obamacare", which no bobblehead fails to deride as an anchor on Obama's popularity, IS A REPUBLICAN PLAN that they have now flip-flopped on.

But no Beltway media will deviate from these narratives they build with their cocktail buddies to give regular Americans an idea of how truly broken and utterly corrupted Washington is.

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