I was watching the FOX News Business network Friday night -- so you don't have to -- and Cavuto was in full on depression mode. McCain is into populism now, 'he sounds like Obama,' said Cavuto. That's what's happened to conservatism. McCain has to run not as a conservative, but as Obama and it's freaking out guys like Cavuto. Cavuto should jut back the original, not the imitation.
Of course, McCain has flip-flopped the last week to try and appear to be a populist after saying the fundamentals are just grand in America.. Neil then brought out his boss Rupert for a segment to try and ease his pain, but he just lamented the government take over of the free market. Murdoch thought the take over was a good thing. Neil started pouting....
He's wondering what has scared all these Republicans into signing up for the government bail out. I'm not an economist so I'm reading as much as I can on it and have been for a while now, but poor Neil--- wake up to the fact that your system just doesn't work...