John McCain should realize he's in serious trouble when even the dupes at "Fox & Friends" are willing to admit that he messed up big time with his housing gaffe. Although Gretchen Carlson and the rest of the crew do their best to cover for McCain by saying, "You need to have gazillions to become president" and "You have to be an elitist to some extent to become president of our country," the overall consensus is that this will come back to haunt McCain.
Download (h/t David Edwards)
The Obama campaign could not have played this better. By injecting into the mainstream dialogue the idea that McCain is really the one out of touch with average Americans, he not only deflects that false characterization off of him, but he also gives the media a reason to make the connection and push the meme every time McCain acts "elitist" (e.g. $520 Ferragamo loafers, Cindy's private planes). The fact that the McCain campaign responded with the Ayers/Rezko/Wright/POW kitchen sink says a lot about how damaging they perceive this attack to be. Brilliant.