May 2, 2017

During Monday's broadcast, the three headed hydra helming "Fox and Friends" were very down after receiving the news that the budget deal didn't go Trump's way.

Steve Doocy told their audience that right wing blogs were upset, "So, no money for the wall, but there's money for Planned Parenthood which flies in the face of what a lot of Republicans have been saying."

Ainsley admitted, "People are upset about that, but there's more money for border security..."

She reminded their fans that Trump will get to it in September.

Brian Kilmeade said that this is the first round and "you wanna win when it comes to the overall budget...Should we have the war right now in Mayor do we wait to do it right in September..."

Doocy, "Give a little here, you wind up with something, they wind up with something..."

Ainsley was amused by Chuck Schumer's comments and said, "If [Trump] registers as a Democrat - we can work together."

A downcast Kilmeade replied, "We'll see if the lawmakers can actually stand up to the Democrats even though they are in the majority..Maybe they'll get the message that they have more people there."

They seemed genuinely shocked that Trump couldn't wave his magic wand and they'd get the budget they wanted.

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