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I saw this video Joe Sudbay posted this morning and thought it was worth passing along. Rachel Maddow tried to point out the fallacies in Joe Scarborough's glowing, fact-free praise of John McCain on MSNBC's Race For The White House.
The Scar continues to spew this ridiculous media narrative that John McCain is a "maverick," completely disregarding the myriad of flip flops the aging Arizona senator has made over the past year. Rachel tries to put him in his place, reminding him that McCain has been pandering to the right on all the major issues including permanent tax cuts, immigration and torture, but all Scarborough does is tell her that she doesn't understand the Republican party. True dat, since she is the lone voice of reason and we all know that facts have a liberal bias. Scarborough loves to steamroll Mika Brzezkinski on his morning show, but as you'll see from this video, his bullying style gets him nowhere with Maddow.
Partial transcript with links to facts below the fold
JS: He refused to tell Tim Russert that he made a mistake voting against—he was one of two Republicans that voted against Bush’s tax cuts. Conservatives will tell you that two things that Bush did right…
RM: And then he changed his mind about them, Joe.
JS: No, he hasn’t changed his mind.
RM: He says he wants them to be permanent now…
JS: He told Tim Russert on Meet the Press in New Hampshire when his life…political life was on the line that he made the right call. He was glad he voted against them.
RM: And now he wants them to be made permanent. He is…He’s pandering to the right and it defies the media happy talk that they like about John McCain…
JS: Okay …whatever…
RM: …but how else to do you explain going after the John Hagee endorsement, going after the Rod Parsley endorsement…
JS: Okay…You know what? Let’s see, let’s see…the Democrats…
RM:…changing his mind on torture, changing his mind on the tax cuts…
JS: Rachel… Good lord…
RM: I’m sorry, but the facts don’t meet…don’t meet your storyline here, but the storyline ought to change to conform to the facts, rather than denying the facts.
JS: Rachel, if you compare, let me just say this. Compare the rigid ideological views of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with the Democratic Party. The most progressive people in the Democratic Party. Compare that to what John McCain did with the Republican Party. There is no comparison. McCain has gone more towards the middle over the past four years than either of those two. That’s just the bottom line.
RM: That’s absolutely incorrect.