February 22, 2008

Think Progress:

Taxi to the Dark Side, a documentary about an innocent Afghan taxi driver tortured to death by U.S. officials at Bagram Air Base, has received wide critical acclaim since its debut in April at the Tribeca Film Festival. The New York Times’s A.O. Scott said, “If recent American history is ever going to be discussed with the necessary clarity and ethical rigor, this film will be essential.”

Earlier this month, ThinkProgress reported that the Discovery Channel broke its contract to broadcast Taxi prior to the 2008 elections. With plans to take the company public, executives were afraid the “film’s controversial content might damage Discovery’s public offering.”

In a press release on Thursday, HBO announced that it has bought the rights to Taxi and will show the film in September 2008.

Filmmaker Alex Gibney is up for an Oscar for Best Documentary for "Taxi To The Dark Side" this Sunday.

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