Dianne Feinstein is up now. We hear it's a bad bill at this point. Orrin Hatch hates Feingold's amendment. What a shocker.
Green Greenwald breaks it down for you.
Pat Leahy is joining in:
Tuesday, February 12 is a critical day in our fight to stand up for American values and preserve our freedoms while protecting our national security. The Senate is voting on amendments to FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the law governing the use of wiretaps and other means to conduct surveillance of foreign threats.
Unfortunately, the new FISA bill we'll be voting on still has many problems. I will do everything in my power -- including joining my colleague Chris Dodd in a filibuster against this legislation -- to fix it.
Please tell Congress that any new FISA bill must both protect our national security and preserve our civil liberties!
And I received this email just a little while ago:
Reid announced that FISA amendment votes will begin at 10 tomorrow today is the last day of debate on the bad intel committee (SSCI) bill. The cloture vote will be around noon/early afternoon Tuesday and post-cloture votes will go until late afternoon/early evening. Final passage will be early evening. Of course, that could change. But that's what he said.