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Tuesday's Worst Persons In The World segment on Countdown featured GOP presidential candidates. First up with the bronze is John McCain, who touted the recent de-Baathification law as proof that the surge is working and we're winning in Iraq. (Anyone else tired of that canard?) Unfortunately for McCain, the reality is that the new law isn't so great, especially for the ex-Baathists it supposedly helps.
The silver goes to Mitt Romney for his silly staged "concerned for the little people" photo op in Marshall with the mother of one of his staffers. By the way, as an eagle-eyed commenter over at Balloon Juice noted, Elizabeth Sachs has been in the news before. Ooooh, it's a sign!
And finally, the gold goes to Rudy "Señor Nuevo Once" Giuliani, whose harsh English-0nly rhetoric has been tempered or rendered ridiculous (your choice) by his pandering to the Hispanic vote in his all-in bid for relevance in Florida, including a visit with Katherine Harris to a bilingual Hispanic mega-church in Miami. ¿Dónde está la double standard, Rudy?