On Thursday's Countdown Keith Olbermann interviewed Sen. Hillary Clinton, covering a wide number of issues including the swift boating of Graeme Frost and SCHIP, Iran, the pending FISA legislation and even the movement to draft Al Gore. Clinton calls out the right for stalking and smearing a 12 year old boy -- and we now know that the lies behind this hate-fest from the right came in the form of an e-mail to reporters from Republican Senator Mitch McConnell's Communications Director, Don Stewart. Stewart should be condemned and fired for putting the Frost family in such danger.
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Senator Clinton defended her vote on the Lieberman/Kyl amendment, saying it was misunderstood by some and misrepresented by others, and that it in no way gives the president authorization to invade Iran. Hillary also touts the Iran amendment she co-sponsored with Senator Jim Webb and sees it as an opportunity to use diplomatic means to deal with Iran instead of President Bush's cowboy diplomacy. As for a possible Nobel Prize and White House run by Al Gore? You'll have to watch the clip...