For "The Closer," Number 6, Keith Olbermann takes on what he considers Donald Trump's greatest sin / crime / disqualification: his weird, sick obsession with the assassination of Hillary Clinton.
From "you Second Amendment people might have a remedy" to "let's take away guns from her protectors and see what happens," Trump is willing to go there with his rhetoric.
Keith Olbermann is not afraid to say, he not only must be repudiated. He should be questioned by the Secret Service in a very serious manner.
Enraged as you were that you had to admit to your lie about birtherism, you went out and brought up assassination the same night. To wish, to incite, to dog whistle, to do anything but repudiate and fight against physical violence against a political leader in this country is beyond despicable. With our history, with our political annals stained with the blood of everybody from Martin Luther King to Ronald Reagan to Harvey Milk. And I pity you Trump. That you have so little of humanity or decency inside you. That you could so cravenly and dismissively say it: ‘Let’s see what happens to her?'”
“The Secret Service should now take General Hayden’s cue, and you, Trump, you should be in the back of a police wagon now, being questioned. And then you know what? Let’s see what happens.