I have a theory on why Glenn Beck is on the air. With apologies to those who deal with very real disabilities, I suspect that the reason Beck has a national platform because he has the Republican version of Tourette's. He has no filter for which he can keep himself from blurting out these ridiculous things. The problem is, he's just a buffoon with the analytical depth of an amoeba. So despite the fact that his ratings are less than half of his nearest competitor, Glenn keeps going with his fact-free rants so other pundits (Tucker Carlson, excluded) don't have to look so puerile.
Case in point: how many smears and nasty innuendo without any facts can you count when Glenn discusses Hillary Clinton's newly announced health care plan?
Download (thanks to Bill W. for videos)
Ugh, just makes you want to take a shower to watch him, doesn't it? And then Glenn proves his acute grasp of foreign policy by responding to Greenspan's now infamous quote that Iraq was all about the oil with a resounding "And....?"
This is the voice and opinion that CNN thinks --despite the reality of his ratings-- that Americans want to see and refuse to give any progressive voice (hell, let's just say intelligent or fact-based voice, there'd be a change) a chance. Curious, don't you think? Want to ask them why?