(via The Blaze) Beck said he received information from a friend of his, who is also friends with the “Hillary people,” about Clinton’s campaign strategy in 2016. Beck said that when he heard it, he said, “Oh my gosh, she’s going to win the presidency.”
Beck said Clinton’s “people” told his friend: “The right is so stupid. They just don’t get it. You guys are going to all be fighting on Benghazi and everything else, and here’s what Hillary is going to do. [She is going to say], ‘Do you remember when America was good? Do you remember when we had jobs and we were building towards a brighter future, and things were really happening? The Clinton administration, we had it under control. Things were good, and … we’re going to do better. We’re going to replant our flag in the traditional things that you understand.’”
“And this is what made me say, ‘Oh, my gosh, she’s going to win,’” Beck said. “Pat and I both have said in the past, ‘I would so gladly take Bill Clinton right now. Don’t those years seem simple and good [compared to today]?’”
Basically Hillary Clinton gets to play Ronald Reagan, as Glenn Beck sees it, because Republicans of today have no vision for a better tomorrow. No one remembers the Reagan years anymore, but they still recall the Clinton years fondly (so we're told). That's his theory anyway, and he seems to be sticking to it. Weird.