(please have a barf bag ready: via Clif)
What's this, you say? War-supporting bloggers in the Oval Office? It's not like Bush needs to give them tips since the Pentagon already feeds them propaganda. I guess it's a good old fashioned pat on the back for a job well done. Here's some of the hilarity that ensued:
My question focused on how national political reconciliation will affect progress in the Anbar Province and Fallujah specifically, and the President’s answer honestly surprised me in its length, level of detail and grasp of events on the ground.
He's surprised that the President has information about his immoral war! What's that WC Fields line about suckers? I like the new term they are using: New Media. A nice way for Bush fool the MSM. Sadly, No! takes a look at one of these Mil-Bloggers vlog report on the NY Times. Uncle Jimbo is so excited that Malkin mentioned his name on FOX! TREX has some new material to work with for sure...
Will Bill O'Reilly tell us that the GOP has been hijacked by the right wing talk radio and the wingnutosphere who proudly helped torpedo the immigration bill?