The Huffington Post conducted a poll of Americans to actually see if they believe President Obama loves America.
But while 47 percent of Americans say Obama loves the country, the rest say he doesn't or that they're unsure. Just 11 percent of Republicans say they think the president loves America.
Americans are similarly divided along party lines on whether they think Obama believes the U.S. is exceptional, and on whether he's more or less patriotic than most people. Republicans overwhelmingly say he's less patriotic, while Democrats say he's as patriotic or more, and independents are split.
This is the world conservative AM hate radio and Fox News have created in America. The basis of their messaging is to make their listeners and viewers viscerally hate liberals and the left. It has nothing to do with making a case for conservative beliefs over progressive, but to form a deep seated hatred that blocks out all rational thought. And it's working.
As much as we may have revolted over George Bush's handling of the presidency, the thought of him not loving America isn't one that crossed my mind.
From the poll there's evidence of this phenomenon because we find that the both sides do it beltway meme doesn't apply to the left:
Democrats, however, are more willing to extend goodwill to the other side. Although just 26 percent have a favorable view of Giuliani, a full 54 percent say they believe he loves America, and just 12 percent say that he does not.