September 8, 2007

Bill Moyers had on Jack Goldsmith, former head the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department, to discuss how the White House was reacting in their prosecution of the "War on Terror." Note how fear-mongering wasn't limited to the general American public, but to their legal counsel as well.

From the YouTube description:

In these two excerpts from Bill Moyers' Journal, Jack Goldsmith, former head the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department, gives an insider's view of advising the President on the limits of executive power during the war on terror.

In the second excerpt, Goldsmith recounts what he calls "the most amazing scene I'd ever witnessed"-the night then White House counsel Alberto Gonzalez and former White House chief of staff Andrew Card Gonzalez, went to the hospital to try to persuade Attorney General John Ashcroft to give his permission on a secret surveillance plan, overriding acting Attorney General James Comey.

You can watch the entire episode online at

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