Mediabistro: GalleyCat Last Friday afternoon, our friends over at FishbowlNY got a look at some "marketing materials distributed this week to b
May 19, 2007

colbert_book.jpg Mediabistro: GalleyCat

Last Friday afternoon, our friends over at FishbowlNY got a look at some "marketing materials distributed this week to booksellers" by Grand Central Publishing for Stephen Colbert's holiday-ready book and DVD, I Am America And So Can You. Promising that the televisionn pundit's publishing debut "will rival the Bible in importance," Grand Central seems poised to engage in a balls-to-the-wall marketing campaign:

"Colbert fears America has lost its balls. He wants to reballify the nation. Even the ladies. Ladies can have balls-lady-balls. They're called 'Thatchers.' Colbert will show you how he got his mammoth swinging sack."

Sounds like the "Must Have" for every Christmas list...if you have the balls.

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