December 30, 2006

How's that War on Terror going, George? Everyone talks about Iraq, but they seem to forget that we initially started with an attack on the Taliban forces in Afghanistan. Maybe the administration prefers that we forget that, since Afghanistan doesn't appear to be in a better situation since our invasion, does it? The Taliban is strong and wreaking destruction on the citizens; opium crops and sales are up. Have we won hearts and minds yet?

HindustanTimes: (h/t GM)

While the world prepares to say goodbye to the year 2006, waiting eagerly to welcome the new year 2007, the people of Afghanistan, the Karzai government and the US and NATO fighters would like to forget their worst year since the ouster of Taliban five years ago.

The year 2006 witnessed the killing of over 3900 people, representing a four-fold increase over the 1000 deaths last year.

Those killed included about 1000 civilians. More than 115 suicide attacks accounted for 270 Afghan civilians and 17 international soldiers killed. 180 NATO soldiers have been killed in action against the Taliban, this year.

Taliban killed scores of school teachers including two women teachers in Khost.

They also torched 110 schools for, what they termed as un-Islamic education.

[..]The year also registered a record opium production showing an increase of over 60 per cent as compared to 2005. Read on...

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