December 21, 2006

virgilgoode.jpg The vile Virgil Goode took the witness stand on FOX News Thursday to try and defend himself from his own bigoted comments. And FOX News is the place to go for disgraced Republicans as we know. They feel safe there for some unexplained reason. David Asman, (subbing for Bush puppet Neil Cavuto) does his best to soften Goode's disgraceful remarks against Rep. Ellison, but he's never challenged on his most odious remarks.

Goode should be called to the carpet by all Democrats and asked to apologise and or resign for his hate filled screeds. This public display of racism tarnishes everything America stands for.

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goode-muslims.jpg This clip includes Rahm Emanuel's comments on the matter. Goode tries to say that Rahm misinterprets his letter. Ummm...This letter is indefensible. You sir---are a fool.

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