Rep. Kingston goes on FOX and tries to defend his idiotic statements about Hoyer's call for a 5 day work week and actually admits the Republicans were slackers. It's really bad for the GOP when John Gibson starts giving them a hard time.
Gibson: Don't you think that maybe part of the reason the Republicans were fired is the public heard about this?
Kingston: I think its because we didn't perform. When we were up here we were naming bridges and post offices. We were not having quality time again...---We drifted, we got off our agenda. We came up here and some weeks we just twiddled our thumbs and that's what killed us...
(transcript and video by TP)
KINGSTON: Well, members of Congress work 60 to 70 hours a week every week. I mean, the idea that we only work when we are in Washington, D.C., is ridiculous. When we’re back home, we’re visiting schools, we’re talking to groups, we’re meeting with constituents. We’re getting real information on the ground. We’re listening and we’re learning. I think there was a time when all the brains were in Washington. I don’t know when that was. But it’s certainly not the case anymore. With BlackBerrys, cell phones, you can stay in touch with what’s going on in Washington. But you know, when you’re back home with the real people, folks can grab you by the collar and say, what in the heck did you guys do when you passed that bill?
GIBSON: Congressman, what about — let me put up this graphic, this reality check is going to mean a new calendar for you guys. There you’re going to be five days a week. Most Americans work five days a week. And most Americans, as I recall, were pretty ticked to Congress in the last election. What did you guys get done in the 109th Congress?