For all the talk we've been hearing lately about how we need to protect our children--please answer me this: How does corporal punishment still ex
October 8, 2006

For all the talk we've been hearing lately about how we need to protect our children--please answer me this: How does corporal punishment still exist in our schools?

By all means, let's talk about "a national disgrace." You don't have to look very far for it. In fact, you can find it in this story from the New York Times just over a week ago, a story published on September 30, 2006, and entitled, "In Many Public Schools, the Paddle Is No Relic----Anthony Price does not mince words when talking about corporal punishment -- which he refers to as taking pops -- a practice he recently reinstated at the suburban Fort Worth middle school where he is principal.

"I'm a big fan," Mr. Price said. "I know it can be abused. But if used properly, along with other punishments, a few pops can help turn a school around. It's had a huge effect here." on

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