October 6, 2024

Elon Musk appeared alongside the Former Guy in Butler, PA. to join the cacophony of Trump lies claiming Kamala Harris wants to take away your right to vote, bear arms and speak freely.

MAGAts seem to speak just fine.

The push for Voter ID is another poll tax levied on minorities, people with disabilities, seniors, women and many other Americans.

MUSK: The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech, they want to take away your right to bear arms, they want to take away your right to vote effectively.

You've got 14 states now that don't require voter ID.

California, where I used to live, just passed a law banning voter ID for voting.

Republicans understand that the more people who vote in the country the worse they do in elections because their policies are unpopular in a majority of the country.

Pushing for voter ID is nothing new, but since Traitor Trump created the BIG LIE, which states he was cheated out of winning the 2020 election, causing him to foment an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and his second impeachment, the MAGA GOP has been wildly running on it.

Musk is a white nationalist sicko with deep pockets. He's looking to buy the election for the MAGA cult and keep the House under MAGA control.

Don't let him.

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