Good for her. She said she wanted a thorough investigation not another stiff in charge. Meanwhile, Hastert blames George Soros for his problems...
"When the base finds out who's feeding this monster, they're not going to be happy,'' Hastert told the Chicago Tribune of the firestorm over Mark Foley's contacts with House pages. "The people who want to see this thing blow up are ABC News and a lot of Demoratic operatives, people funded by George Soros,'' Hastert says in the interview published this morning.
And you thought it was only Bill O'Reilly who had it in for Soros. By the way, it was a Republican that was the whistle-blower.
The source who in July gave news media Rep. Mark Foley’s (R-Fla.) suspect e-mails to a former House page says the documents came to him from a House GOP aide. That aide has been a registered Republican since becoming eligible to vote, said the source, who showed The Hill public records supporting his claim.