December 28, 2021

Trump's former henchman Rudy Giuliani whined to CBN host David Brody about his unhappiness that Fox News refuses to put him on their air any longer.

Any guess why?

Remember Lou Dobbs?

Without having any shoe polish melting down the sides of his face, Rudy took credit for Fox News getting on the air in New York City.

"So they forget their friends pretty damn fast," he cried. "The thing I resent most is they won't tell me why! I'm not being told why I'm not being allowed on!"

It's obvious to anyone with a brain.

Giuliani's attacks on Dominion Voting Systems, which launched many humongous civil lawsuits against him and those that promoted his lies like Fox News is the big reason. Rudy's overall behavior after November 3rd was so despicable and harmful to this country that alone should have been the cause of his dismissal.

It took a lawsuit to convince them to pull the rip cord.

Rudy then brought up the Dominion lawsuit and then uttered the name of the liberal bogeyman, George Soros, so he could play the antiSemitic card too.

"I know they seem very frightened of George Soros because I've seen other people interrupted and basically taken off because of George Soros," he speculated. "But it leaves me kind of in a quandary about why they're playing the fascist game."

The only fascists here are Rudy, Trump and their minions. Projection is their stock-in-trade.

I'm waiting for a new conspiracy and myth to take hold. If a Republican looks in the mirror and says the name George Soros five times, the angry ghost of Ruth Bader Ginsberg will haunt them for eternity..

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