Jonathon Turley was on Countdown tonight to talk about today's ruling that Bush's NSA eavesdropping program is illegal. [media id=15957] - WMV [medi
August 16, 2006


Jonathon Turley was on Countdown tonight to talk about today's ruling that Bush's NSA eavesdropping program is illegal.

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Turley: "Every time a judge rules against the administration they are either too Democratic or too tall or too short or Pisces. All this spin - this effort to personalize it is doing a great injustice to our system. The problem is not the judge. The problem is a lack of authority. When Gonzales says 'I got something back in my safe and if you could see it you would all agree with me'. Well, unless there's a federal statute back in his safe, then it's not going to make a difference."

Turley gives us a good explanation of what today's ruling means. The main thing to come out today is that Bush does not have this widespread Constitutional authority that he claims to be granted by the War Powers.

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