Arianna digs deeper into this waiver mess. I just was watching CNN as I woke up and I briefly heard that it took ten more days of negotiations before
September 29, 2005

Arianna digs deeper into this waiver mess. I just was watching CNN as I woke up and I briefly heard that it took ten more days of negotiations before she was released. I was like-"WTF?"

"The claim that Miller “has finally received a direct and uncoerced waiver” is laughable… and, indeed, has already been laughed at by 1) my increasingly frustrated sources within the Times 2) a chorus of voices in the blogosphere (see here, here, and here) and 3) (and much more significantly) Joseph Tate, Scooter Libby’s lawyer, who told the Washington Post yesterday that he informed Miller’s attorney, Floyd Abrams, a year ago that Libby’s waiver “was voluntary and that Miller was free to testify”." read more Arianna

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