It's time to go over the lying liars who made a mockery out of the Terri Schiavo case. As E.J. Dionne says: Where's The Apology?
Rush attacked every talking head and Democrat that mentioned the memo.
Here's the Audio-MP3-(Podcast also)
He continually states that it was the Democrats that made up the memo and planted it on the Republicans. Of course we all know that a Mel Martinez Staffer wrote the memo. Where's your apology Rush? It is time to be held accountable.
John at AmericaBlog says:Where's the GOP apology? The GOP wants to keep the pressure on Senator During for an apology for simply stating the truth about Gitmo. Great. Then let's talk apologies. Come Monday, I think we need Apology Week here at AMERICAblog. I'll be posting phone numbers and names of various Senators, and contacts for local letters to the editor and media, for you to go to town on.