[media id=9409] (h/t Heather at VideoCafe) Johnny Isakson actually took into account the Terri Schiavo fiasco and wanted to put an end to most of it
August 13, 2009

(h/t Heather at VideoCafe)

Johnny Isakson actually took into account the Terri Schiavo fiasco and wanted to put an end to most of it when he added his "living will" provision. He didn't realize that it would lead to the Palin's to cry Obama's got death panel's and the new health care bill will kill old people. Who's fault is that? he even responded to Ezra's intervieww by saying these people were acting like nuts over the issue. Well, President Obama talked about the nonsense at the NH town hall yesterday and Isakson probably felt like he had to save face with his teabagger pals and issued this statement.

“This is what happens when the President and members of Congress don’t read the bills. The White House and others are merely attempting to deflect attention from the intense negativity caused by their unpopular policies. I never consulted with the White House in this process and had no role whatsoever in the House Democrats’ bill. I categorically oppose the House bill and find it incredulous that the White House and others would use my amendment as a scapegoat for their misguided policies,” Isakson said. “My Senate amendment simply puts health care choices back in the hands of the individual and allows them to consider if they so choose a living will or durable power of attorney. The House provision is merely another ill-advised attempt at more government mandates, more government intrusion, and more government involvement in what should be an individual choice.”

Riiight. It's Obama's fault that the kooks got a hold of it and are lying about his amendment to turn old people off to any health care reforms. What a shock. it's too late for Isakson to blast the White House. he needs to go on TV and explain himself because the words that he wrote are being turned into a hot, heaping pile of dog poo.

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