No nuclear option. Dobson, Robertson, Frist and the Religious Right have lost. We can still filibuster the Supreme court nominees! The senators talk
May 22, 2005

No nuclear option. Dobson, Robertson, Frist and the Religious Right have lost.

We can still filibuster the Supreme court nominees!

The senators talked about trust. A unique word in these times of ours.

FOX is spinning it for Bush and saying this deal gets three conservatives on the bench. No surprise there. I still haven't sorted it out yet, but to me its a big win.

Daily Kos says :

It's not a good day to be Bill Frist. He looks weak, unable to control his own caucus. His winger friends go ballistic. They get some judges, sure, but ultimately, we can filibuster Bush's next Supreme Court nominee unless he picks a moderate.

The Dobson power grab may have failed a day early.

More to come as the story unfolds.

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