Don King is suing ESPN for 2.5 billion dollars for claiming he was portrayed in a false light on an ESPN "SportsCentury" segment aired last May. Let's
January 11, 2005

Don King is suing ESPN for 2.5 billion dollars for claiming he was portrayed in a false light on an ESPN "SportsCentury" segment aired last May. Let's see, King started as a numbers runner, shot and killed three men, then later beat a man to death who owed him money. Served 3 1/2 years and was pardoned by govenor James Rhodes of Ohio.This was all before he became a boxing promoter. Since then he has been involved in a number of lawsuits, including one by Armani, questioned by the FBI and Congress, indicted for tax fraud an so on. This last year he stumped for President Bush. King's "Only in America" mantra takes a rags to riches story and turns it into an all time low. The suit is claiming King was falsely portrayed as "a con artist and a thug." Well Mr. King, if the suit fits, by all means wear it.

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