Video Ashlee's biggest fumble By ISAAC GUZMAN On MTV, she bored us. On 'SNL,' she conned us. Tuesday night, football fans struck back. 'Bout tim
January 5, 2005

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Ashlee's biggest fumble

By ISAAC GUZMAN On MTV, she bored us. On 'SNL,' she conned us.
Tuesday night, football fans struck back. 'Bout time.
But during Tuesday night's Orange Bowl halftime show, a stadium filled with 75,000 rowdy football fans gave Ashlee something that was probably equally inevitable: a thorough booing.

After a performance of "La La" in which she couldn't even sing in tune with her "guide track," Simpson finally got the reception she has deserved for a on

Ms. Simpson is the product of the problems indicitive of the music industry today.

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