If John "It's a Conspiracy" McCain keeps treating David Gregory poorly, he may only get invited back to Meet the Press 35 more times this year.
We Are Respectable Negroes: In the virtual world, cyber racism has already made Christopher Dorner immortal.
Eclectablog: Sorry Vatican, living in a society means sometimes accepting things you don't like for the benefit of others.
Mary Shaw: Guns and religion are still being clung to tightly in the U.S.
Seeing the Forest: Tom Friedman knows what's wrong with the U.S. economy - it's not screwing over the poor and middle class enough.
Finally, Ariel Goldemberg is a filmmaker and actor in Brazil. Born with Down Syndrome, he's hoping against hope to get his hero Sean Penn to go to Brazil to watch the premiere of his new film "Colegas" with him. Want to help Goldemberg? Then head to Twitter and use the hashtag #VemSeanPenn (Come to Brazil Sean Penn).
Round-up by Bill Wolfrum of William K. Wolfrum Chronicles. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.