Remember: You go to battle with the Armey you have. Not the army you want.
Hillbilly Gossip: How do you even respond to Fox News labeling the hate-mongers of Westboro as left-wing? Let a hillbilly have a crack at it,
Mediaite: A petition to have David Gregory arrested, eh? I'm listening.
The New Civil Rights Movement: President George H.W. Bush quit the NRA due to the fact that Wayne LaPierre is unhinged. And our thoughts go out to the former President as he fights bronchitis in intensive care.
Seniors for a Democratic Society: Is America in decline? Only if we ignore a corrupt political process.
Bonus: Remember how awesome the debt ceiling debacle was? Well, we are about to do it again, baby!!
Round-up by Bill Wolfrum of William K. Wolfrum Chronicles. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.