Ronald Reagan was no hero to me. Let the conservative fauxtrage begin in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....
Oliver Willis: Prediction: Mitt Romney and Donald Trump will co-star in "Hangover 5."
David Coates: Barack Obama would do well to run for re-election on both his successes, and his unfinished business.
Bacon's Rebellion: A look at Gary Weiss's new book that takes down Ayn Rand and Randism.
Pandagon: Don't worry Geeks, just because Geekism is being accepted by the mainstream doesn't mean you aren't Geeks any more.
Bonus: It's been more than two years since we lost him and three years since his last post, but the great Jon Swift still has his finger on the pulse of true conservatism.
Round-up by William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum on Twitter). Send tips to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com.