The RedState trike force has finally noticed that America hates the Tea Party.
The Tea Party brand has been effectively destroyed. After three years of demonizing the Tea Party as ‘racist,’ ‘extremist,’ and ‘radical,’ the brand has become a cancer.
It is now a drag on the candidates it supports, with the Left (and GOP establishment types like Karl Rove) gleefully labeling conservative candidates as “outside the mainstream.”
Yeah, it's "the Left" and Karl Rove that has destroyed the Tea Party. Not all the ugly demonstrations, offensive signs at book burnings protests, the clownish and racist leaders, or the non-stop parade of embarrassing, losing candidates.
In the meantime, while the Tea Party had once enjoyed 24% popularity, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, only 8% of Americans now identify themselves as members of the Tea Party. [...] However, insofar as it has been branded and is now associated with negativism, the brand itself must change in order to build and grow again.
These people are a little slow on the uptake. Two years ago, the Teabaggers were less popular in the US than socialism. And three years ago, they were 14 points underwater.
So, the Tea Party is toast. I'm not surprised at all -- this was entirely predictable.