December 3, 2009


You know, I always said the Democrats would be just as easily bought as the Bush Republicans, but that doesn't make it any easier on my stomach. Howie Klein:

Or, you might want a different kind of candidate from one who isn't even in Congress yet and already selling her ass to K Street whores who represent Countrywide Mortgage and Morgan Stanley. How about making a donation today to the grassroots candidate for the seat, Doug Tudor? You can do it here.

By the way, if you can't quite remember who Allen Boyd (Blue Dog-FL) is, please recall that when George W. Bush wanted to push his bill to kill Social Security as "bipartisan" he only managed to find one "Democrat" to co-sponsor it. That's Boyd, the fella bringing Lori Edwards around Washington to meet all the lobbyists. Boyd is on the Budget Committee and on the Appropriations Committee. He's taken in $1,048,609 from the financial sector-- but not because they're buying his votes; only because he's so handsome and debonair.

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