[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KgoapkOo4vg" width="425" height="246" resize="1" fid="21"]
The only thing that could make me love the Occupy movement more would be if they did musical flash mobs, because life is so much better when it's like a musical comedy. I'm just tickled by this Moscow flash mob of "Puttin' on The Ritz," uploaded a few days before Russia's presidential election.
Some commenters think it's a protest against Putin, while many of the Russians say it's pro-Putin. Whichever it is, I wish our political advertising was more like this:
Several days before the March 4 presidential election, a new video of a flashmob, “Puttin on the Ritz,” was uploaded to YouTube. It showed approximately 200 people dancing to the Irving Berlin tune on Moscow’s Sparrow Hills. The dancers included street cleaners and a troops of soldiers.
There is no information about the creators of this video, nor about the organizers of the flash mob; the puttin2012 account from which the video was uploaded contains no other videos. The video has been viewed nearly 3 million times – perhaps a result of the similarity between the video’s name and the name of the winner of the presidential election.