In this part of "The Godfather" series, we watched the walls closing in on Karl Rove last night. His eyes darting nervously, breaking out into a flop sweat and kept insisting that what was happening wasn't.
Imagine the inevitable late-night phone call from David Koch: "What did you do with the money, Karl?"
"Well, Mr. Koch, as I said, we had a plan...."
"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE MONEY, KARL?" After all, he promised to buy them an election. They didn't get it.
Koch hangs up, and Rove sits up in bed, heart racing as he thinks about all the billionaires he has to face with his failure. And that's when he sees... the horse's head in his bed.
When does he break? At what point does he descend fully into the madness he so richly deserves?
He got away with treason after outing Valerie Plame. He sold an illegal war and kept Bush in the White House. So many sins, large and small. Now he has to face himself.
It's poetic justice.
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(Warning: Not suitable for work!)