As for John Edwards, he should seek redemption, not re-election. He should find some way to be of service without getting publicity for it – running a legal assistance program or a charity; teaching in a public school in a low-income community; becoming a social worker or a youth counselor. He shouldn't do interviews; he shouldn't give speeches; and he should never – ever – run for public office again. His model should be Chuck Colson, not Richard Nixon.
Yeah, Chuck's the right role model. He used his alleged born-again experience to simply shift his bare-knuckles political style to manipulating the fundamentalist base for profit, attacking gays and immigrants, and basically collecting his paycheck from his alleged godliness. But it "looked" good to people, and really, appearance is the ultimate Village value.
Edwards borrowed (without attribution) Jesse Jackson's famous line: "God isn't finished with me yet." He is more likely to hear God's voice in church or when he is walking alone or with his family than when he is performing in public.
First of all, that isn't even what Edwards said, so Donna's unChristian little dig is inaccurate. (He said, "I don’t think God’s through with me.") Second, who the hell is Donna Brazile to decide anything for anyone? What typical Beltway arrogance. In case she forgets, this was exactly the attitude the Village displayed toward Bill Clinton: Too low-class, too Southern, Not People Like Us. Puhleeze.
And one other thing: I was never a huge fan or a personal friend of John Edwards. But I do think it is time to stop casting stones at him. He did some things that were very wrong. But so might many of us when faced with the temptations of celebrity. If he stays out of the spotlight, we should leave him and his family alone.
So if he doesn't stay out of the spotlight, he's asking for it—from people like Donna Brazile. Give me a break. (Notice no one made Donna Brazile go away after she tanked the Dukakis campaign.)
Why do liberals pride themselves on attacking their own? I'm glad Eliot Spitzer didn't go away for good and I hope Edwards doesn't, either.