You know, people aren't logical, or fair, or even sane most of the time. I rest my case: Dan Snyder? The most ethnically insensitive man in the NFL? (And God knows, that's a high bar.) From Above The Bar: This is rich. The owner of the
February 4, 2011


You know, people aren't logical, or fair, or even sane most of the time. I rest my case: Dan Snyder? The most ethnically insensitive man in the NFL? (And God knows, that's a high bar.) From Above The Bar:

This is rich. The owner of the Washington R******s, Dan Snyder, has sued the Washington City Paper for a column he claims defamed him and used anti-Semitic imagery. That’s right, the man who has famously defended his right to name an entire football team after an ethnic slur is playing the ethnic card because a columnist made fun of him.

The kicker is that on top of this amazing execution of rank hypocrisy, Snyder manages to insult all Jews who have actually dealt with anti-Semitism by coming up with an ethnic offense where none existed. The columnist wasn’t making Jewish jokes or playing off of Jewish stereotypes. He was calling Dan Snyder a terrible owner and a shady dude. Saying he was a victim of anti-Semitism degrades the term and make this entire lawsuit look like the petulant reaction of a narcissistic millionaire.As Dennis Green might say: Daniel Snyder is who we thought he was….

Here are the basics of the lawsuit, from ESPN:

Snyder filed the lawsuit against the weekly paper and its parent company, Atalaya Capital management LP, in New York State Supreme Court on Wednesday. The suit seeks at least $1 million in damages for each of the two causes of action, plus punitive damages.

The cover story entitled “The Crazy R******s Fan’s Guide to Dan Snyder,” has an altered photo of the owner with horns and a beard drawn in pen. The suit claims the weekly newspaper used “lies, half-truths, innuendo and anti-Semitic imagery to smear, malign, defame and slander” Snyder.

This is the 'anti-Semitic' drawing Dan Snyder's so upset about.

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